Monday, March 15, 2010

Education in America

Why 1.3 million high school students drop out each year ?

* Half of parents simply do not care.

* Half of teachers are ill-prepared to teach, and can not be fired.

* Half of administrator's time are spent on red tapes, not on education.

* Half of school spendings are mainly waste and abuse, and can not be cut.

* The other half of school spendings are for pensions.

* Half of school board trustees work teacher unions,

* The other half of school board trustees work for contract vendors.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why California is doomed !

Boom and burst economy : For the past 50 years, we have had so many boom/burst cycles : the defense industry, the personal computer industry, the software , the internet revolution, and the biotech boom & ( soon to be busted ). Each boom offered newer source of revenues, and also higher cost structures, from housing to tax burden;

After many companies /entrepreneurs discovered that California would be a really difficult place to grow business, they packed up and go offshore or to a different state. Subsequent bust will ultimately followed. Our regulatory environment and tax structure are killing the hen that has been laying golden eggs.

Why Bangalore of India is thriving with amazing enterprising energy, while our Silicon Valley is exhausting with signs of fatigue. ( I used to live in the Bay area during the internet boom )

Bankruptcy will not be a choice but an inevitability, for our city and state.